Čo si myslíte o našich kurzoch?
I was not expecting the end result to be so stunning. Im grateful to have seen you make minor mistakes because sometimes when I am pouring I make some mistakes that change the way my piece looks and I get a bit discouraged, so thank you! All in all great video, thank you!
Estoy muy interesada en aprender e incursionar en el maravilloso mundo de la resina
It's great!
Wow really nice course the blue coral
BEST RESIN COURSE IVE EVER TAKEN!!! if you only invest in one course as a resin artist, invest your money here!
The basics course is packed with so much invaluable information, I just wish I had known about this when I first ventured into the epoxy world. I NOW know how to properly calculate how much epoxy my molds require instead of using water (and ruining my pricy molds) or guessing and wasting resin (and $$). her tips and tricks for pigments are significantly beneficial, especially when putting them to use in the functional art course. Learning how to obtain the proper amount of pigment while simultaneously achieving the proper opacity is knowledge I will use forever.
The techniques taught in the functional art course are BRILLIANT, and Majka is extremely thoroughI her teachings. She provides links to all of the products you need, as well as additional alternatives, should you live in a country that makes attaining certain products difficult. Truthfully, I could go on and on about how magnificent these courses are... but I'll advise you to find out for yourself!
If you’ve come this far & you’re reading this review…take my advice and BUY THE COURSES! No matter how long you’ve been working with epoxy, you’ll learn SOMETHING from Majka!
I will, without a doubt, be taking her resin geode course AS SOON as it is available (as well as any other courses she comes out with!!!)
I cannot thank you enough for sharing your knowledge Majka!!
Veľmi stručné, odborné vysvetlenie, ktoré pochopí aj začiatočník - tomu som veľmi rada. Ochota zo strany pani Majky komunikovať a riešiť podnety je blesková. Zatiaľ môžem len odporučiť a teším sa na ďalšie videá a kurzy.
Me encanta como detallas cada pasoy todas tus recomendacines sobre los diferentes productos
I've enjoyed the courses that I've taken, and I appreciate the in depth instructions/links that are provided with the course. Very helpful and so is the owner. Quick to answer my questions. Thank you! I look forward to taking more courses!
This was amazing. The explanation was simple and easy to understand. Thank you so much for your time.
The functional art course was great. ❤️ Finally, I didn't have to throw away my products, because the result was perfect. I recommend the courses to everyone who wants immediate results. The recipes are calculated exactly, so I didn't even have extra epoxy, which happened to me often before. Thank you so much for these courses and I will definitely be back to buy the velvet and velvet rose course. ☺️
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