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winter pattern

Very nice effects guarantee a beautiful result in sets.

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a heavenly dream - geode wallart

In this course you will learn how to create a Geode Art. It's a special class, where you'll also see the setbacks I went through while making Geode Art.

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celestial core

Very nice effects guarantee a beautiful result in sets.

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pastel cotton clouds

Very nice effects guarantee a beautiful result in sets.

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Minutes watched

Did you know, that our courses is detailed, then users currently watched over thousands minutes?

františek čaník

Aj keď som nikdy s epoxidom nerobil, vďaka kurzom pre začiatočníkov som sa toho naučil naozaj veľa. Vrelo odporúčam.

Ponúkaný kurz pre začiatočníkov úplne presne popisuje, ako pracovať s epoxidom, ako ho správne "vážiť" a hlavne, ako pristupovať k jednotlivým krokom vrstvenia a tak podobne. Je to určite "must have" každého, kto chce začať pracovať s epoxidom. Jediné, čo mi trošku vadí, je kvalita zvuku, ale to sa určite v čase zmení.

František Čaník

The video is very detailed, short, and sweet. Right to the point. If that wasn't clear enough there are great details at length in the description below the video. I think this site is wonderful. So pleased to learn about it through Julie from pouring your heart out. I will definitely be taking more courses and absolutely recommend this site to friends. Thank you for your creative brilliance!

Ryan Jeffrey

Wow really nice course the blue coral

Joao fernandes

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We knows, that when you look at photos, you can be amazed, but... We also knows, that video is in modern age more powerfull. Then, why you still waitin`? Move your cursor over image to play small intro video.

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